News from GCMM
Here is the latest news from GCM Ministries. Sign up here to receive our eNews and monthly reports.
Supply Life Kits To Ukrainian Families That Desperately Need Help
Every $1 that you invest in this campaign will reach 8 Mongolians with a saturation of The Gospel for 30 days “Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”HABAKKUK 1:5 Since 2003, Great…
Mongolia Mega City Media Campaign
Every $1 that you invest in this campaign will reach 8 Mongolians with a saturation of The Gospel “Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” HABAKKUK 1:5 We have some very good…
Islamic Ministry: New Opportunities to Share the Gospel
Preparations are underway to conduct an evangelistic media campaign in Kolkata, India.
Ukrainians Open To The Gospel
Ukrainians Open To The Gospel During War As the war in Ukraine persists, the city of Kherson has been one of the many cities of focus for GCMM humanitarian aid and evangelism. Prior to the Russian invasion, Kherson was a city of 300,000 residents. Kherson was occupied by Russian troops for eight months and was…
GCMM Helped Stanislav To Go From Ukraine To Finland
In September, GCMM’s Jewish/Israel ministry department organized a retreat camp in North Karelia in cooperation with North Karelia Exodusry and Bible Media. 31 Ukrainians from different parts of Finland arrived at the camp. During those few days, we heard many touching stories about life in Ukraine and about escaping to Finland. We listened to their…